Risk Assurance Platform

Risk Assurance Platform is a dedicated risk and issue management tool. 

Extensive Solution

Centralised risk management & coordination 


Every risk has an owner  

Cost Effective

Competitive pricing model

Rapid Deployment 

Cloud-based solution  

Highly Configurable

Adaptability to suit specific organisational needs  

Certified Practices 

Consistent customer experience  

Easy to Use 

Focus on high-value business activities 

What is RAP

Risk Assurance Platform is a comprehensive, highly configurable business/project management solution providing strong governance and assurance that risks and issues are being effectively managed and controlled. 

Risk with RAP 

Risk Assurance Platform (RAP) fosters a risk management culture within an organisation to enable cost-effective business processes and deliver positive outcomes.  

RAP provides a simple to use system that can be used by both large and small organisations to manage and control risks and issues – business-wide or those related to projects or contracts – effectively.

A modern
dashboard for  risk

As a browser-based solution, RAP offers its full functionality across platforms, regardless of the device one is using. A responsive UI ensures that the dashboard arranges and orients itself to match the device – mobile or desktop – allowing access to corporate data at fingerprints, wherever one is.

RAP is aligned to ISO 31000 risk management principles and processes for risk management. It is configured to prevent risks and associated actions plans from being orphaned at any time during the risk lifecycle. 


Does your organisation still manage its risks and issues manually or using spreadsheets? 

Absence of comprehensive risk management Identification and mitigation Leads to financial and commercial exposure further downstream.

Exploring Client Success:
A Tapestry of Testimonials